Public Speaking Articles

Why I’m Still Happy with Jim Cathcart CSP, CPAE

Jim Cathcart CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for teaching others how to improve communication, build confidence, and focus on what matters most. Especially during tough times!

Jim shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares how being an optimist during tough times can help make you happy. He encourages everyone to take control of what goes into our minds and our hearts, especially as we try to get going after the COVID-19 pandemic.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy#TogetherAtHome

Why I’m (Still) Happy with David Horsager CSP, CPAE

David Horsager CSP, CPAE: a speaker known for teaching others about trust, and how they can enjoy greater creativity, productivity, freedom as a result. Especially during tough times!

David shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares a story about riding his horse at age 12, and how he had to “Get back on the horse.” He encourages everyone to “Get back on the horse” as we try to get going after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m (Still) Happy with Sarah McVanel CSP

Sarah McVanel CSP: a speaker known for teaching others about the power of recognition when times are tough. 

Sarah shares why she’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” She also shares how people all over the world are using recognition to boost spirits and morale during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m Still Happy with Marilyn Sherman CSP, CPAE

Marilyn Sherman CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for inspiring people to have a positive mindset when times are tough.

Marilyn shares why she’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” She also shares a story about Lou Zamperini and encourages us to think of him when times are tough.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m Still Happy with Tim Gard CSP, CPAE

Tim Gard CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for using his humor to help people become more resilient when times are tough.

Tim shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares his famous bug glasses and professional nose flute playing skills.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m Still Happy with Dr. Willie Jolley CSP, CPAE

Willie shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also sings a song that he wrote to lift the spirits of the world during COVID-19.

Why I’m (Still) Happy with Willie Jolley CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for motivating and inspiring others to achieve more.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why are these people (still) happy during a pandemic?

Here at eSpeakers, we thought it would be nice to have a little break in the day to hear something that makes you feel good.

We talked to some of our friends (who happen to be the best motivating, inspiring speakers on the planet) to help us out with this project. Together, we’ve created a YouTube channel to share 5-10 minute stories that will make you laugh, give you hope, and encourage you to keep going during this tough time. Won’t that be a nice break?

Watch Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE explain why he’s (still) happy

On this YouTube channel, we’ll host live broadcasts on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12:00 pm EST, as well as posting some pre-recorded videos. Just hit “subscribe” while you’re watching this video to be notified of the events and new videos when they’re up. Our hope is that these short, sincere thoughts from talented speakers will remind us of all the “whys” there are to be happy, no matter what else is going on around us.


Our first video comes from Jason Hewlett, CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for his heartfelt stories, musical talent, and crazy impressions. He shares a little incident he had with a dog that might make you think differently about your “why”.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers and on your social media channels. Because everybody can use some happy.

#WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome


– Your friends at eSpeakers

Let The World Know You Can Present Virtually

All of us here at eSpeakers want to send our best wishes to all of you in the speaking industry during this challenging time. These are these unprecedented times in this industry, but there’s something you can do right now

When we see a challenge, we also see opportunity. Many companies are instituting work-from-home policies and social distancing. This new work environment is challenging for many employees, creating a more fragmented workforce and straining company morale.

Canceled Speaker: What Do You Do If Your Speaker Canceled?

So you’ve spent months and months planning an event. It’s the biggest ever, you’ve pulled out all the stops and covered all your bases. You’ve planned for every single possible contingency. Especially the biggest one. But then, without warning, you find yourself dealing with a canceled speaker last minute.

A nightmare, right? You’ve printed all the programs and posters with that person’s face all over them. Attendees have bought tickets with the promise of hearing an awesome keynote speech from this particular speaker. And the—admittedly, rare—unthinkable has happened. One of the worst things that could happen, really. Your keynote speaker canceled and it feels like there’s no way to redeem yourself.

5 Nuggets Of Advice For The Novice Professional Speaker

Written by Dana Brownlee as a Forbes Contributor

In my previous post, “Tired Of Speaking For Free? Here’s How To Get Paid To Speak,” I tackled the thorny issue of how to secure paid speaking engagements, but getting paid engagements presumes the speaker is worth the big bucks and not all are. Easily commanding five figures per talk, the best speakers have taken their craft to the next level. Here are a few nuggets of advice for novice professional speakers seeking to do just that.