Public Speaking Articles

Once and for all, why you need to grow your email list

We live in a social media tsunami – wait one week and another wave of latest-greatest comes calling.

Periscope snagged 10 million followers in just four and a half months[1], Pinterest is now for men[2], and Twitter wants your advertising dollars.

Despite all the bright lights of social media, nothing trumps the staying power of email. Definitely not sexy (or new for that matter) – email should be your most valued marketing channel and list building should be a top business goal.
Here are five reasons why you need to invest more resources in growing your mailing list and learning how to use email to grow your business.

Live Events vs. Webinars – It’s Not Even Close

Everyone knows what the experience is like attending a live music concert. Whether it’s Beethoven or The Grateful Dead, the atmosphere is alive with electricity. There’s camaraderie amongst you and the stranger sitting next to you that is unique to being at a live event. You look at them and nod in recognition of what a great time you’re having. Now imagine that same concert coming to you via a webinar at your desk. Not quite the same, is it?
Sales meetings, kickoff meetings, conferences, and incentive travel programs have a long history of helping companies grow their business through increased sales and good will that come from making personal contact with employees, salespeople, and customers. Everybody knows that. Then why has there been such a big shift away from personal meetings to webinars?

Create an Easy-to-Use Plan to Accelerate Your Speaking Business

Do you want to accelerate the growth of your speaking business?  Are you having a hard time achieving your business goals and objectives?  Are you spending more time working IN your business rather than ON it?

Join Joe Heaps and Dave Reed of eSpeakers, who will help you to overcome these business blocks. They will be speaking in two sessions before the 2015 NSA Convention in Washington DC, and you are invited to attend one or both sessions on Saturday, July 18th from 11:15 am – 1:30 pm.

These sessions are free, and will be beneficial for all NSA members. You will leave these sessions with specific strategies which will help to improve your workflow and your cashflow.

eSpeakers Users Group Training

We’re also holding our annual Users Group training before the NSA Convention in Washington DC, and we invite you all to attend.

Date: July 18, 2015

Time: 10:00 am to 11:00 am

Room: Washington 1 (Washington Marriott Wardman Park)

Celebrating WSBDirectConnect Partnership

Today, we’re celebrating a new partnership between @espeakers and @WashSpeakers. Check out their new directory at

Washington Speakers Bureau, using directory technology from eSpeakers, operates WSBDirectConnect. WSBDirectConnect is a self-service website where event organizers can find world-class speakers at a range of price points below $10,000.

TOP TEN Campaign Discontinued

On Tuesday , April 21st we sent out an email to our customers (speakers, speakers bureaus, and event organizers) called “Top Ten Motivational Speakers”. It was the beginning of a regular series intended to further eSpeakers’ goal of connecting speakers and audiences.

Over the last few days we’ve received both positive and negative feedback about our Top Ten Motivational speakers list. We’re always open to feedback from our customers, and we appreciate the thoughts on eSpeakers producing a “Top Ten” list. Several speakers presented insightful reasons (that had not occurred to us) why a list like this has some negative consequences. We agreed with the reasoning and have decided to discontinue this Top Ten campaign.

Mythbusting: NSA and eSpeakers

At the NSA Winter Workshop in Las Vegas, The President of the National Speakers Association Shep Hyken and NSA Voices of Experience director Michael Hoffman interviewed Dave Reed of eSpeakers. eSpeakers recently announced an important relationship with Meeting Professionals International (MPI), and NSA leadership wanted to provide some clear information about what that relationship means for the NSA and its members.