Public Speaking Articles

Why I’m (Still) Happy with Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier

Dr. Marie-Hélène Pelletier is a speaker known for helping people take action on anxiety and burnout by increasing resilience and broadening our perspective. Something we could all do right now as we get through these tough times.

Marie shares why she’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” She also shares a powerful message about perspective, and why that’s important today as we try to get through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

Why I’m (Still) Happy with Steve Gilliland, CSP, CPAE

Steve Gilliland, CSP, CPAE: a speaker known for his storytelling, comedy, and his ability to help people Enjoy The Ride! Steve’s blueprint to life Enjoy The Ride, helps people examine where they are personally and professionally. Something we could all do right now as we get through these tough times.

Steve shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares a powerful message about the love he and his wife have, and why that’s important today as we try to get through the COVID-19 pandemic. 

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Certified Virtual Presenters Now Available


Certified Virtual Presenters Now Available

Salt Lake City, UT — May 12, 2020 — The shift to online meetings brought on by Covid-19 has highlighted the urgent need for event organizers to find speakers who deliver their content remotely. Many of the old sources for keynoters and trainers do not give any indication of a presenter’s online ability via Zoom, WebEx, etc. 

To assist their friends in the event organization business, eSpeakers announces the Virtual Presenter certification. This certification is a basic test of a presenter’s equipment, environment, and skill using remote presentation tools like Zoom, WebEx, etc. 

Why I’m (Still) Happy with Clint Pulver

Clint Pulver: a speaker known for his fun, dynamic and entertaining presentations that engage and inspire people. Especially during tough times!

Clint shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares a powerful message that it’s not about being the best in the world…It’s about being the best FOR the world, especially as we try to get going after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m Still Happy with Jim Cathcart CSP, CPAE

Jim Cathcart CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for teaching others how to improve communication, build confidence, and focus on what matters most. Especially during tough times!

Jim shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares how being an optimist during tough times can help make you happy. He encourages everyone to take control of what goes into our minds and our hearts, especially as we try to get going after the COVID-19 pandemic.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy#TogetherAtHome

Why I’m (Still) Happy with David Horsager CSP, CPAE

David Horsager CSP, CPAE: a speaker known for teaching others about trust, and how they can enjoy greater creativity, productivity, freedom as a result. Especially during tough times!

David shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares a story about riding his horse at age 12, and how he had to “Get back on the horse.” He encourages everyone to “Get back on the horse” as we try to get going after the COVID-19 pandemic. 

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m (Still) Happy with Sarah McVanel CSP

Sarah McVanel CSP: a speaker known for teaching others about the power of recognition when times are tough. 

Sarah shares why she’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” She also shares how people all over the world are using recognition to boost spirits and morale during the COVID-19 pandemic. 

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

6 Steps For Putting On A Virtual Event That Works

You’ve been thinking about putting on a virtual event for a while now, but haven’t gotten around to it yet. 

Putting on a virtual event can seem really daunting if you’ve never done it before. The technology to learn, the different platforms, how to advertise to an online audience…there are a lot of questions and new things to learn that surround a virtual event. Even if you’re an experienced event planner, putting on a 100 percent virtual event presents a whole new set of issues and problems to troubleshoot and solve.

With current events keeping almost everyone at home to do most of their work and leisure activities online, now is the time to put on your first virtual event.

So, how does one actually put on a virtual event? If you go step by step, it’s not as complicated as you think. 

We’ve broken it down into steps for you, to help you put on your first virtual event without a hitch. 

Why I’m Still Happy with Marilyn Sherman CSP, CPAE

Marilyn Sherman CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for inspiring people to have a positive mindset when times are tough.

Marilyn shares why she’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” She also shares a story about Lou Zamperini and encourages us to think of him when times are tough.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome

Why I’m Still Happy with Tim Gard CSP, CPAE

Tim Gard CSP, CPAE: a hall of fame speaker known for using his humor to help people become more resilient when times are tough.

Tim shares why he’s still happy and helps you reflect upon your “why” of “Why I’m (Still) Happy.” He also shares his famous bug glasses and professional nose flute playing skills.

So gather your family around, share this video with friends and co-workers, and share on your social media channels. Pass this “Why I’m (Still) Happy” video along because everybody can use some happy. Join the “Why I’m (Still) Happy” movement by subscribing to this channel and making an inspiring comment of hope and appreciation below. #WhyImStillHappy #TogetherAtHome